Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Attitude Adjustment

There are some days when I wish I lived on my own little deserted island far away from facebook, family drama, traffic, and people in general. Then I realize that firstly that is not possible due to a severely limited budget but also secondly that I would be missing out on a lot of good things that way.

I am glad to live close by my family. Logistically it is a great boon because with two small children having built in babysitters makes my life much more manageable. I also love to see my children interact with their family and build strong roots. It's great to be able to share my two gifts to the world with family and I truly believe that my sons enrich the lives of all those who are close to them.

I think I've always known this to be true but until recently have been unable to actually implement it in my life but I now embrace the fact that I cannot not control what other people think and do but only how I react to them. In other words I am giving myself an attitude adjustment. I think that our society that is so obsessed with tweeting our every move, posting our every thought on facebook, and yes even writing blogs seems to just breed animosity these days. And since we lurk around facebook checking out everyone's lives there is little of substance to actually talk about when we do get together in person. I know it's a bit late for "New Year's Resolutions" but I will make a mid-year resolution.

Today I resolve to observe the world around me and do my best to engage only in the positive experiences. I resolve to take time every day to think about all the good in my life and try not to focus on the negatives. I resolve to have real meaningful conversations and to enjoy every moment with the family and friends that I love. And while I cannot promise not to daydream about that deserted island I will do my best to create my own island right here by not wasting my time on bad thoughts, negative people, or frustration and anger.