Friday, July 9, 2010

We Could All Use a Little Bit of Make Believe

Have you ever thought about the phrase "make believe" before? It is used so often that I don't think most people really contemplate how important it is. I'm not just talking about pretend play here but actually believing that you can make something happen. We are taught as children that make believe belongs to the land of fairies and Prince Charmings but I think that if we as adults practiced playing make believe more often we would all be better off. If there is something that you want to do. Make Believe. Believe it and make it happen. It's the power of positive thought turned it up a notch.

It is the combination of the two words that make "make believe" so empowering. We are sometimes told that the power of positive thought can be a catalyst to getting what we want. But if you believe in something hard enough all that happens is that you believe, a lot. There is something missing in that philosophy. You have to act upon that belief.

As children, make believe is all about fantasy. And at that point in our lives that is what is important. Children need to learn to stretch their imaginations, hone their desires, and learn to hope. With limited life experiences a child may make believe that she is a princess in the tallest tower waiting for her Prince. What I am telling you now is that although you grow out of fanciful notions about warding off dragons, becoming Sleeping Beauty, or having magical powers does not mean that you grow out of playing make believe.

Be your own advocate. If you want to write the next great American novel don't just dream it- do it. If you want to turn the radio on and hear your song playing but you don't even own a guitar- what are you waiting for? When your dream of running a marathon gets pushed back from year to year- stop! Make it happen! This goes for anything. Be a better mom, a better husband, a better daughter, or employee. Earn more money. Fall in love. Paint a picture. I'm not saying that just because you believe that you will be the next Picasso that it's going to happen. I'm just saying that if you never try- you'll never know. And the world could miss out on something pretty amazing.

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