It's Christmas time. The malls are crowded, parking spots are coveted, and bank accounts are emptied. We are so busy with events, and shopping, and lists that the season seems to fly by without time to really enjoy it. And what is it that we should be enjoying? A few material items wrapped up in pretty paper? Thousands of calories in holiday food?
For me, Christmas took on a brand new meaning when I had children. Children. Babies. A baby. That is what Christmas is really all about, right? A baby. The Baby. They joke in that Will Ferrell movie about praying to the baby Jesus- but really we should take some time to think about Jesus as a baby. He was vulnerable. He required feeding and nurturing from his human parents. He was a baby- a crying, hungry, wet, baby boy.
We hear it all the time in church.
For God so loved the Earth that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16
But, if you have children, that common bible verse takes on an entirely new meaning. I would walk through fire if it would mean that my child wouldn't have to. I would gladly take on any illness if it would mean sparing my child. And God gave the world this baby. A real live vulnerable baby boy. This baby that would grow up and make the ultimate sacrifice. The tables are turned and it is this baby that will one day be nailed to a cross and give His life in order that we should not suffer.
I have begun to look at my children as small living pieces of God. In their birth, beginning their lives as tiny fragile infants they begin life in the same way as the son of God. I cannot begin to explain the depths of the love that I have for my children. I cannot begin to make you understand how happy they make my heart. And I myself cannot quantify the intense fear and heartache that accompany even the thought that they will one day know pain and sadness. And now imagine God as a parent. Imagine the scope of the gift that He gave us. He gave us a baby, to be raised in what He knew was an imperfect world. In a world that He knew would crucify his only son. And yet he so loved us that he gave his son to all of us. I can only imagine that the love that God has for all of us, his children, is monumental compared to the love that I have for my own children. And I can only imagine that to feel that love will be like the light of the sun compared to that of a single candle. It is that overwhelming and unimagineable love that we should think about during this busy season.
Christmas is a time to remember an infant. A gift to the world. Not a gift wrapped up in a box or decorated with glitter and bows. A gift of love. And it is a time to share that love with our families and friends. So this Christmas remember that night over two thousand years ago when two frightened parents witnessed the birth of their first child. So this Christmas honor that baby Jesus and the sacrifices that He would ultimately make for us by doing the one thing that he most represents. Love. Love yourselves. Love each other.
And that is the simple answer. The reason for the season? It's love.
NESTEA Real Brewed Line
7 years ago
you are amazing.....and i love you.~Kelly